Naples Futsal Official Website

2017 Fall Season

2017 Naples Futsal Fall Season!Summer

  • Registration

    1. Registration is open until September 27th, 2017
    2. Register online at
  • Fees
    1. Youth Registration fees are 40 dollars per player
    2. Adult Registration fees are 50 dollars per player
    3. All players must to pay USYF Fees $10 Annually Registration. 
  • Referees
    1. All our futsal referees are certificated Futsal Referee with US Soccer
    2. Referee fees per game
      • $30 dollars for all youth Division
      • $35 dollars  Men’s Open, Women’s Open and Men’s Over 40
      • Each game have two futsal certified referee in all divisions.
  • Divisions
    1. Youth Divisions 
      U7, U9, U11, U13, U15 and U18 (Girls and Boys). Girls are allowed to play down, one division.
    2. Women’s Open
    3. Men’s Over 40
    4. Men’s Open Division (1st and 2nd Division)
  • Age Brackets
    1. U7———> 2011-2012
    2. U9———> 2009-2010
    3. U11——–> 2007-2008
    4. U13——–> 2005-2006
    5. U15——–> 2003-2004
    6. U18——–> 2000-2001-2002
Any player can play in an upper division.
Only Girls can play one division down.
  1. Coaches meeting
    1. Coaches meeting will be September 25th at Golden Gate Community Center at 6:00pm Youth and 7pm Adults.
  2. Kick off and times
    1. Kick off is September 9th
    2. Youth Division will play most of the game on Saturday.
    3. Men’s Over 40 Saturday Nights
    4. Women’s or COED Monday or Saturdays
    5. Men’s Open Sundays after 2pm
If you have any question please let us know.
God bless you. Sincerely,
Naples Futsal
Luis Orellana
Registration due September 27th, 2017!
Luis Orellana| Naples Futsal| 239-200-5333| E-mail | Website
Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.
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